Contact Us Today: + 1 646 770 3646 | info@purpilaw.com
Real Estate
Home is where your nest egg is. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned investor, we are there for you throughout the process of buying, selling, or refinancing to make sure you get the most for your dollar. Having a knowledgeable, attentive attorney involved from the very beginning of the process can make the difference between a quick, efficient transaction and a wallet-draining disaster.
The decisions you make before, during, and after buying, selling, or refinancing real estate can fundamentally affect the value of your investment. We are here to guide you and make sure you have all the information you need in order to make the right choices for you.
We're also here to help you protect that investment. Whether you're dealing with bad neighbors or an overly aggressive zoning board, we will protect your rights and help give you the peace of mind you deserve.
Representative services: House, co-op, and condo buying, selling, and refinancing; commercial leases; 1031 exchanges; litigation, including nuisance, trespass, easements, zoning, condemnations, water rights, violations, and adverse possession.